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Will OpenAI use stripe to monetize chatgpt & Dall-E?

This article is for subscribers only. OpenAI will use Stripe Inc. to take payments and subscriptions for its artificial intelligence tools ChatGPT and Dall-E, which it’s trying to monetize after capturing the public imagination.

What does gpt-4 mean for stripe?

Stripe leverages GPT-4 to streamline user experience and combat fraud. View product Earlier this year, Stripe asked 100 employees to do something highly unusual: stop their day jobs and instead, dream up features and functionality for the payment platform using the newest generation of OpenAI’s language learning model, GPT-4.

What is stripe billing & link?

Stripe Billing offers DALL·E users a flexible, pay-as-you-go option to purchase DALL·E credits, which enable customers to generate new images. Link, an evolution of Stripe’s Remember Me product, lets OpenAI users pay 40% faster on average by autofilling saved payment details.

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